Dr Renette Dallas ND Founder's Bio

Dr. Renette Dallas is a naturopathic doctor (N.D.), minister, author, lecturer, certified fitness trainer, raw food chef, with expertise in nutritional and herbal detoxification and healing. She hosted live fitness and wellness radio and TV programs for seven years. She has degrees and twelve years of professional experience in Architecture and Civil Engineering, and a Veteran of the United States Air Force. Perhaps best known as the creator of the healthy organic snack product, TRUE POP formerly, Life by Dallas Popcorn, Dr. Dallas believes health care reform starts with preventive holistic care education. Individuals leave her presentations motivated and inspired but more important, empowered to adopt healthy lifestyles. Dr. Dallas is on a personal crusade to educate and encourage individuals to become offensive in the war against the Big 3™, Obesity, Heart Disease and Diabetes. Cancer prevention, impotence and fibroid reversal are highlighted because the unbelievable in minority communities where there is a major disparity in health care alternatives. Her strategy is quite simple yet unique based on one of her favorite quotes, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food” by the Father of Natural Medicine, Hippocrates. Dr. Dallas has authored three books, Fitness ABCs by Dallas, Temple Restoration and Do You Know 3:16 and one EBook, Better Health starts with Nutrition, numerous DVDs and CDs. All available via www.lifebydallas.com. Life by Dallas’ True Pop Popcorn is available on Amazon, retail and www.dallaspopcorn.com